The Story of RememberStuff®: A Journey

It was never our intention to build a profit-based, technologically advanced product for personal gain.

Christine, my sister-in-law, and I have lived through the journey of being married, executive business women working in an office full-time, rearing three children requiring daily oversight, while serving as caregiver for our parents and our mother-in-law in our home, all well into their 90s.

It was because we lived through that journey of caring for family members with dementia that we wanted –and felt equipped - to help those who are going through a similar journey today.


This Was Our Journey

I still clearly remember the feelings of hopelessness and overwhelming fatigue as I finished my day at work, only to face the challenge of managing the children’s homework and listen to the stories of their day as soon as I arrived home; quickly prepare supper for everyone, and then, finally, go through the routine of getting both of my parents ready for bed.

How many times did I wonder how long I could keep up the pace and meet all the expectations that were placed on me?

This meant that I would not usually even get to sit down until after 10 pm, when I struggled to take a breath and to believe I would have enough energy to get into my own bed, maybe fall asleep, and then start the same routine all over again when the alarm went off all too soon the next morning. How many times did I wonder how long I could keep up the pace and meet all the expectations that were placed on me?

Christine and I wanted to take our education, our work experiences, and the fact that we had completed this complicated journey ourselves, and somehow create a tool or a process whereby we could give everyone embarking on this same journey a tangible sense of support and the belief that they, too, could successfully complete this marathon of emotional demands.

Christine and I want caregivers everywhere to know that we lived through the trials of caregiving, and we understand that while it can be exhausting and lonely, you are not alone. There are many others who share this journey every day, and we can learn from each other how to manage the inevitable stressors.

RememberStuff® for Support and Dignity

RememberStuff® is our way of taking our own experiences and addressing the stressful impact of care in such a way as to provide support to the caregiver and dignity to the senior as they try to maintain independence and success in managing their days.

No senior wishes to be a burden to their family. They strive to be independent and organized in their daily activities. RememberStuff® allows the family to provide guidance even from miles away, and allows the senior to manage their day, keeping all activities on track, staying connected to family and friends, and remaining current to enable sound decision-making. It provides a sense that the senior is still in control of their lives and their day.

We’re not in this as business owners, we’re caretakers who want to help other caretakers get through their own journey, making it a little easier wherever we can, making sure you know you are not alone! We believe RememberStuff® can have as powerful and positive an impact on your loved one with dementia as it had on ours.

Email us with questions. We are here to assist you and help your loved one feel more in control of their day – and their life.